Thursday, December 14, 2006
House Husband
Posted by
2:07 PM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Does Anyone Else Do This? No. 4 in an Occasional Series
Stick with a Favourite Toilet
I realised this morning, whilst engaged in my usual morning constitutional (or ‘comfort break’ as I believe our colonial cousins call it), that I always use the same toilet at work. This suddenly struck me as an odd thing – that one could have preferences over such a mundane and utilitarian thing. It’s not like having a favourite café or bar, or even favouring an armchair in your living room. And all the toilets are basically the same. Therefore some form of psychology has to be at work here.
Posted by
10:33 AM
Friday, December 08, 2006
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall - a Fair and Balanced Critique
Why do I hate Huge Gurning-Shittingstool? I’ll give you 5 good reasons:
- It’s all a lie
I have it on good authority that Hulk Cunting-Fuckingpool actually spends most of his time tending to his burgeoning media empire in
- That braying, upper class voice
- The way patronises people
Part of Hung Frankly-Wanklyfool’s shtick is the way he apparently fits into his community, palling up to the locals. In fact, his manner is more that of the local lord who likes to think he’s matey with his serfs. The worst example of this was he met some black people to learn about
And were there any black people at his ‘caribbean pirate feast’ when he ripped off their recipes? No, of course there weren’t! But at least he got to patronise some local lifeboat crewmembers. The racist cock.
- The hippy props
- He gratuitously kills animals in every programme
Posted by
3:48 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I’ve finally found some time to reflect on the wedding. It’s hard not to sound mawkish when discussing it, so – fuck it – I won’t try! My chief thought is how lucky Emily and I are to have such good friends and lovely family.
Being a rather insecure only child, I always regard myself as a loner. This means I appreciate it when friends come through for me more than most. My biggest anxiety about the wedding was that people just wouldn’t turn up. As it was, almost everyone did come and we had a great party (what I remember of the reception is vague after my first bottle of champagne!).
As for family, well, I’m always loved and respected my mum, but I’m also very lucky with my in-laws. Emily’s mum and dad have been wonderful throughout our relationship and especially so throughout the planning of the wedding.
The only thing that went a bit tits-up was that my Best Man, Steve, didn’t make it to the ceremony after getting stuck in a traffic jam. I feel bad for him, as I know he had the journey from hell (as the M11 is sometimes known). As it was, my friend Franco stepped in and made an able substitute!
Posted by
2:57 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006
I'm Gettin' Married in the Mornin'!
Posted by
4:56 PM
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Sprains and Climate Change
I went to Whipps Cross Hospital on Tuesday and, after hours of waiting and different x-rays, the final diagnosis was a sprained ligament and the cast came off. Thank Christ for that.
On an entirely different subject: climate change. Why isn’t there a big hullabaloo about the fact it’s almost DECEMBER and the LEAVES ARE STILL ON THE TREES. I notice the weeds are still happily flowering in my garden too. It’s all very, very wrong…
Posted by
9:50 AM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Broken My Bloody wrist!
Posted by
7:54 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
Does Anyone Else Do This? No. 3 in an Occasional Series
Find displacement activities more boring than working but still do them anyway
And, interestingly, when you’re flat-out working, time passes really quickly. Your brain becomes stimulated by solving problems, getting a proper work-out. I write and find that hours have flashed by.
Yet, despite knowing this, there’s always the period before I get down to business, where I’ll put it off for as long as possible, desperate to find a worthwhile distraction. There never is one – but this won’t stop me looking…
Posted by
10:35 AM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
I'm in an abusive relationship with Steve Jobs

Is it the power of brand loyalty? In the case of Apple, it often feels like being hopelessly in love with an abusive partner. No matter what they do to you, you try to see their good side, make excuses for them ("Steve didn't mean to rip me off, it was that Jonathan Ive and his bleedin' form factors") and always go back in the end. But are there rational reasons for buying another iPod?
There are 4 reasons actually…
- Seamless synchronisation – no fiddling about with files. Maybe I’m lazy, but I like the fact that everything just…works.
- The closest rivals to iPod are Zen and Sony –their products in this bracket are more expensive and have less memory.
- Call me eccentric, but I actually prefer to buy music. iTunes is a great place to do so – and, again, it’s integrated with iPod
- The ipod just looks so bloody good
Posted by
10:31 AM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Posted by
5:44 PM
Death of an iPod
This rather portly but capacious character was born in
Having come to
My iPod was widely travelled, having toured the Far East, North Africa and many parts of
There were few intimations of my iPod’s mortality until the last week or so, when frequent resets became the norm. This morning it passed on in the streets of Leytonstone, with one last simple poignant message for the world: a hardware failure icon.
It leaves behind one rather pissed off and bitter former Apple loyalist and aforementioned PowerBook.
iPod 60gb, MP3 player; born early 2005; died 22 November 2006
Posted by
11:40 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
My Tribute to David Shrigley

Posted by
11:26 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006
Witty Wordplay on the Streets of Walthamstow
On the way to work in the rain this morning, walking to Walthamstow Central, I was kindly informed by a young man that he was going to ‘fuck me up proper’. This is the kind of sophisticated discourse one is used to hearing on the streets of
It was partly my own fault. I was walking past a bus stop and there was a crowd of people waiting, so there was only a narrow path behind them. I could see a fifteen year old lad walking towards me, shaping up for a shoulder-charge if I didn’t get out of his way. I, for my part, wasn’t in the mood to do that and so our shoulders met and he was bumped rather than me.
I really don’t understand this aggression from lads around my way. It’s like they’ve always got to prove their machismo, even in the pettiest situation. However, I suppose I was doing the same thing.
Anyway, this lad turns and shouts at me in a fury. I guess he sees a nice safe middle class wanker over whom he can assert himself. As usual, as much as I’d like to say I came out best from the incident, I don’t think I did. I ended up shouting back, telling him that if he had a knife, he’d better get it out now, because otherwise I’d kick his fucking head in.
Of course, this is the point where everyone at the bus-stop turns and stares. Now I’m making prejudiced assumptions about youth and probably race as well. Suddenly I’m the bastard. And also a coward, because as he stands there continuing to shout at me, I scuttle off. I’m walking quickly away, feeling like an arsehole and looking behind me frequently in case he does have a knife and stabs me in the back.
Posted by
11:39 AM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Noel Edmunds is Mad (and so is Bill Gates)
It’s a wet, windy morning here in the Big Smoke. The sort of day where you’d prefer to hide under the duvet than face the commute to work (yeah, admittedly every day starts like that for most of us). Especially as I’ve now been told by a rheumatologist that working at a PC all day “is just very bad for you on all sorts of levels”.
I saw the consultant yesterday because I routinely get neck and shoulder problems. The problem is, according to this geezer, postural – just sitting in the wrong position at the PC, probably due to a bad ‘workstation configuration’. But even so, apparently working at a PC is bad in itself. You could extrapolate further and say that employment is bad for you. At least, employment in an industrial society. Admittedly neck ache isn’t quite as extreme as being crushed in a cotton loom or a miner’s emphysema, but it does reinforce for me that working is crap.
Posted by
10:54 AM
Monday, November 13, 2006
The Semiotics of eBay Photography
What the hell am I talking about? For one thing I think that photography that looks professional is now a sign that the item lacks authenticity. When I first started selling on eBay, I’d try hard to make the photos look at professional as possible. I would put together a white background and arrange the composition artfully. Now I sling the items on the carpet and take snapshots.
Amateurish photography equals authenticity
The display of the 'genuine' tag now equals a fake
Posted by
12:10 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
Does Anyone Else Do This? No. 2 in an Occasional Series
Go on about how rude people are in
I must admit that, when I worked in Piccadilly, one of my biggest bugbears was the way tourists strolled around slowly, getting in the way, gawping at everything, cluttering up the pavement with their aimless meanderings and Kipling backpacks.
I thought I was free of this in Farringdon, but obviously these Germans were lost.
Posted by
5:41 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Scootering No More
Why am I selling? Primarily because we’ll soon be living in Welwyn Garden City, so I won’t need it. Partly because my insurance premium is going up to £300 a year, which is probably half the value of the bloody bike. And, finally, because I’m tired of being fearful that someone’s going to nick it.
Arrivederci, plucky ET4 - it really is the end of an era!

Posted by
9:11 PM
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Does Anyone Else Do This? No. 1 in an Occasional Series
I left the house at the same time as our next-door neighbour, a rotund Spanish bloke named Paolo, this morning. We always say ‘hello’ a bit awkwardly and then leave it at that. So imagine my horror when I realised that he was walking to the station at the same time as me. I had visions of either having to engage him in uncomfortable conversation or walking with him in nervous silence.
Thankfully he headed off in a different route to my usual, so we could legitimately part ways without any social ill-grace. I then decided to see whose route was quicker – was mine better? I didn’t cheat and run it or anything – I’m not that competitive – I just walked briskly. This desire to get there before my neighbour was balanced by a desire not to bump into him again at the station and have to make conversation again.
After striding up to the tube, I found he was already in the queue for a ticket. I had to concede his route was quicker – especially as I could hardly believe such a fat fella could walk faster than me. Bastard! However, I’d already bought my Oyster travel card the night before, therefore didn't need to queue. So, as Alan Partridge wrote repeatedly in his autobiography 'Bouncing Back': needless to say, I had the last laugh!
Posted by
7:29 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
Hungover, Bruised, Abashed.
Picture this Nathan Barley-esque scene: three embittered hack copywriters from three different agencies, all approaching their 40s, in the Eagle on Farringdon Road, drinking Staropramen and Kirin. After discussing women, family and art directors over a few pints, I receive a call from a Strategy Director friend of mine, who’s in a nearby bar with her boyfriend, who’s big in online media.
Yes, my life is a cliché.
So, anyway, we go to this bar and drink more beer. I’m wearing new Jeffery West boots with leather soles. The loos are down some wet stone steps (maybe someone didn’t make it to the urinal in time?). I’m a little unsteady on my feet anyway. You can guess what happens next…
I fall down the fucking stairs – my arse and elbow (no, I couldn’t tell them apart at the time) taking the brunt of the tumble. The pain – Christ – it hurt! I curse and pick myself up, go to the toilet and, as I’m unloading waste beer fluid, I start to feel rather queer (as they used to say in more innocent times).
As I zipped myself up and went back up the stairs, everything went like a cheap video effect from Top of the Pops circa 1978. It was the closest I’ve come to a psychedelic experience without drugs. I’m told I went ghostly pale and I remember leaning against a pillar, desperately trying to keep my wits. Luckily, my strategist friend knew what to do – and made me put my head between my legs – otherwise I’d have passed out completely.
This is after 5 pints. Humiliating.
Posted by
11:45 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Loose Lips Sink Ships
I realise that I don’t often talk about the people that I work with or go into specifics about my agency. I suppose this demonstrates some kind of discretion on my part, but it does make me wish I’d made this blog anonymous. I’d love to have the freedom to gossip.
Posted by
11:19 AM
Friday, October 20, 2006
Jimmy Dean Pancakes and Sausage on a Stick

1. The brand name: dead film star with pubic lice, wrapped around his steering wheel. Is the meat in the sausage actually Jimmy’s flesh scraped off his Porsche Spider, like some form of Method Actor biltong?
2. Pancakes and Sausage on a fucking stick: like a kind of meaty lollypop. A dog’s cock in a fluffy batter sheath.
3. Chocolate Chip flavour: Just as you’re getting past the prospect of microwaving Jimmy Dean’s road scrapings in batter, this new detail blindsides you. I know the Americans have a thing for mixing savoury and sweet things, but this is surely deranged?
What human being would eat such a thing? I must try it – just to satisfy my own perverse curiosity…
Posted by
5:06 PM
Jamelia's Dirty Bone
As I draw, I’m listening to ‘Beware of the Dog’ by Jamelia. I’m not usually big on R&B, but it’s got a great sample of ‘Personal Jesus’ by Depeche Mode. Apparently the dog in this case is ‘dirty to the bone’ and best avoided by discerning ladies. I assume that Jamelia is referring to a cad of the human variety, as opposed to bestial acts with a spaniel after he's dug up the flower beds.

Posted by
2:54 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
Wrong Side of the Leamingtonian Tracks
The Young Knives
I’m listening to the Young Knives a lot at the moment. They’re an interesting band, with a kind of choppy, new wave slant to their music and mordent wit in their lyrics. That a really good band could come out of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire is, frankly, astonishing.
The ‘Leamington Scene’
Though not as astonishing, admittedly, as the fact that I saw an article in the NME about a thriving ‘Leamington scene’. Now that really is bizarre. I know the NME tends to hype up excitement around ‘the next big thing’ in music without much substance, but the idea of Royal Leamington Spa as some kind of new Madchester makes me feel like I’ve stumbled into an alternative reality where the normal rules don’t apply.
Musical Memory Lane
When I was a teenager in ‘Leamo’ I remember there were only two bands of any note in the town – Bad Beach and Mortis. Bad Beach was a kind of thrash metal outfit and the short-lived Mortis were Goths. Each Mortis gig would start with the lead singer screaming ‘WE ARE MORTIS! YOU WILL DIE!” at the audience. In fact, Mortis may well have been ahead of their time, as the Horrors and Marilyn Manson have a lot of their moves.
Both bands used to play in venues down the bottom end of town (past the railway bridge, where all the poor and black people were hidden away). The favourite place to see live bands was the Bath Place community centre, which was full of crusties and ‘alternatives’.
The Neat End Paragraph
Ahh, them were the days – when sniffing marker pens was the only high readily available and sunglasses weren’t security tagged, making shoplifting a doddle. I can’t imagine that the 17 year old me could picture a point in twenty years time where he’d be listening to an album on a tiny white box holding his entire record collection, bopping around like a lunatic as he ironed fifteen shirts.
Posted by
3:10 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Welwyn Garden City: Nice!
We've had an offer accepted on a house (it's a nice house!) there.
Yes, I'm now officially middle-aged and middle-England. I'll be going on holiday at Centre Parcs next...
The only thing I'm dreading is ringing the Walthamstow estate agent to tell him we're pulling out. I'll keep you posted...
Posted by
11:11 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
East London Estate Agent Babylon
Since we had the offer accepted, this particular estate agent has been on the phone four times a day pushing me to engage a solicitor, which I don’t want to do until after we’ve had the house surveyed. He obviously wants to tie up his sale, but his tone borders on bullying. I’m almost at the point of telling him to stick his property up his shiny-suited arse.
Pointing out that London estate agents are venal wankers is hardly a startlingly original observation, but I do wonder whether these people are bred like it or indoctrinated. This guy turned up in his company Vauxhall Corsa with a ridiculous hairstyle slick with gel, driving along as he shouted into his mobile. He never listened to a word I said as he showed us around the house, apart from pausing in order to appear to listen, then making it clear from his next bit of patter that he hadn’t taken in a word I said. You could see his brain whirring, desperate to close the deal, figuring out his percentage.
Still, this is progress. Of course, now we’ll find out that the street we’ll be moving to is full of crack fortresses, but until then we’ll enjoy having found a potential home.
The house we found
Posted by
10:40 AM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Property Prices and X-men
I then compounded the angst by watching two superhero DVDs in a row until 4am. The first of this Marvel double bill was X-men 3, which included some unforgivably clunky script clichés. When Magneto gazes in horror at Jean Gray/Phoenix wreaking destruction and utters a horrified “What have I done?!” you know that it’s script-writing on autopilot (especially as he was happy for her to wreak destruction a few minutes earlier (not that any internal logic to the plot appeared to be important)).
Please believe me when I tell you that X-men 3 is utter, utter shit.
But it isn’t nearly as bad as Daredevil, with Ben Affleck as New York’s blind avenger. It cost £3.25 from Tesco and even that wasn’t good value for money. If I hadn’t been pinned to the recliner by exhaustion, I think I would have blinded myself to avoid seeing any more of this cinematic turd-dribble, possibly by stabbing my eyes out with my own thumbs.
Posted by
6:07 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Holding Hands
Posted by
10:50 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Egos and Insecurities
This seems to be especially true of men, who always vie to be the alpha male, with the ‘best’ idea or the most profound observation. They communicate in order to dominate. Women, in my experience, tend to communicate in order to cooperate, which is more productive. It’s unsurprising that in a creative world ruled by aggressive, insecure, emotionally underdeveloped men, women are somewhat under-represented.
Posted by
10:35 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
Tits Up Time?

This is my version of the immutable law of creative life: it’s either too busy or too quiet. The busy end of the spectrum leads to stress, hair loss and comfort eating. The quiet end leads to paranoia, insecurity and comfort eating.
And, in my experience, there is never a happy medium.
Posted by
12:29 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Battery Joy
Posted by
2:18 PM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
The ad:tech Jester Experience
It’s possible that the exhibitors may offer something of value to someone in this benighted world, but as a copywriter I was horrified by the debased techno-jargon that streamed forth like a turd tsunami raging through the already despoiled Cheddar Gorge of my head. I waded through ‘end-to-end solutions’ that were, of course, ‘scalable’, ‘flexible’ and indeed offered ‘significant ROI' per 'click-to-conversion'. I briefly came up for air, only to find myself confronted by a man dressed as a jester promoting an online casino.
I left after an hour or so, making my way past the online marketers outside the main entrance, their delegate passes fluttering in the wind as they indulged in a sneaky fag. If the Internet is the wild west of capitalism, ad:tech is the Deadwood, with Ian McShane playing a dead-eyed clown.
Posted by
5:09 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Scooter Rant
I’m currently considering buying an anti-personnel mine from eBay (I haven’t looked, but I’m sure they’re on there) and rigging it so it explodes when my scooter isn’t vertical. Of course, judging from previous frequent experience of trying to ride off with chains still on back wheels, I’d forget it was there and blow my own senile arse up.
Posted by
3:58 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Dwarf Fear
My biggest fear for Frankie used to be that he’d turn out to be a dwarf (or midget, but I’m not getting into that debate here). He went through a number of years of being somewhat under-sized for his age – fitting t-shirts for 3 year olds when he was 5 and the like. He’s shot up a bit recently, which has eased my worries. However, I’ve recently started thinking – well, would it be so bad if he turned out to be a dwarf?
Let’s face it – he’d always have a career in show-biz to look forward to. I’ve never seen a dwarf at a Job Centre and I’m convinced that’s because they’re all still living off the money they made being Ewoks in the Return of the Jedi or down Shepperton Studios being made up as gnomes for the latest Harry Potter epic.
I’m pretty sure that, with his winning personality, Frankie could even be up there amongst the dwarf megastars like Wee Man from Jackass.
Ahh, a father can dream…
Wee man on the pull
Posted by
2:10 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Jungle Japes
We started out with lunch at the Rainforest Café, a huge tourist trap located in Piccadilly. I don’t know what made me suggest it, as it’s the kind of global franchise I generally loathe, but Frankie seemed enchanted by the fibre glass jungle setting, fake waterfalls and tank full of tropical fish we sat by. The service was also good, if a bit mechanically good-natured. The waitress made a special fuss of Frankie because it was his birthday. This included standing him on his chair and insisting that everyone around us sang happy birthday to him.
The food, however, was extremely average – my steak was utterly tasteless and Frankie’s meatballs could have come out of a tin. We also discovered the downside of being sat by the fish tank – dozens of kids and parents trooping around us to look at the aquatic wonders within. I had to have words with one four year old lad who tried to use my chair as a climbing frame to get a better view. He was German, so couldn’t understand a word I said, but my tone made him cry, which was a satisfactory outcome.
All in all, the Rainforest Café is the kind of soulless experience that you try to make the best of because you think your kids won’t see the cracks in the fibreglass trees and the regimentation behind the friendliness of the staff. For me, it evokes a world where the real rainforests have been destroyed and the fake jungles of franchise restaurants are the only distorted historical record.
Posted by
12:03 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunflowers and Spiders

There are also loads of spiders in the garden. Apparently there's a spider epidemic due to the hot, wet weather. They're certainly everywhere I look in Leytonstone.

Posted by
7:27 PM
Man's flu and Children's Parties
It’s Frankie’s sixth birthday this week and I’m feeling melancholic over the fact I won’t be with him on the day. Lucy has organised a party for him at his school and made it pretty clear that it would be awkward if I came along.
I admit that I’m secretly relieved, as I detest children’s parties. This is, I’m fairly sure, a man thing. We kind of stand around on the periphery of the chaos, grinning and bearing it as the mummy network marginalise us and other people’s kids try to punch us in the knackers or smear chocolate on our trousers. This is bad enough, but it gets much worse when you’re a divorced dad. Rather than being ignored, you are the villain who gets glared at by the mummies.
At the same time, I know that Frankie was keen to have me there and I think he’s vaguely anxious about being pushed out of my affections by Stan. He’s certainly been a bit out of sorts on the last few weekends we’ve spent together. Frankie doesn’t like to articulate his feelings, so it’s hard to get to the bottom of things with him.
The solution I’ve negotiated is that Franks and I have a ‘boy’s day’ together next weekend. I’ll take him out to lunch and then we’ll go to Forbidden Planet to get him more Pokémon cards.
Assuming we’ve both got over ‘man’s flu’ of course…
Posted by
3:29 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
Wedding Date Set
Now all we have to do is organise everything. This will, no doubt, be a fucking headache. If one reads wedding magazines, this involves everything from sourcing bespoke bone china napkin rings to having seasonal flowers flown in from the rain forests of Borneo.
It’s more likely that we’ll spend all our money on booze and have a party at the house…
Bunk bed built!
Last week my friend Franco very kindly took me to IKEA to buy a bunk bed for Mila and Frankie. Oh, what fun I had building the fucking thing on Saturday! I understand why IKEA supplies purely visual instructions to multiple countries with different languages. However, when the diagrams appear to have been drawn on an Etch A Sketch by someone with advanced Parkinson’s Disease, this hardly makes life easy.
Of course, after spending three hours sorting through the random bits of wood and erecting the noble sleeping edifice, I found a bit of paper at the bottom of the box telling me to use one type of plastic nail and not another. Naturally I’d used the wrong type of nail already.
By the way…
I’ve decided to discontinue the Fitzness blog, as it makes pretty boring reading for anyone but me. Do you really care that I went to the gym 5 times since the last entry and am now lifting 47 kg on the bench press?
Thought not.
That being said, I’m pretty chuffed at how quickly I’ve felt revitalised by a bit of exercise. Obviously that long weekly walk to the Forbidden Planet and back with my friend MJH wasn’t enough to keep me fit!
Posted by
11:26 AM
Friday, September 08, 2006
Most Incomprehensible Client Brief EVER
Here’s the brief in full:
Project overview
1) Invitation to the XXXX exhibition at Salon international
Target: Female consumer age 24-44 whom would spend 100 pound p/y for skin care product.
Format: A5
Project deadline: 8 September
Project objective: Sing copy line on front, short description on back.
We need a copy line which representing product benefit with female manner. The word should be simple but intentional and attractive.
Here are examples of copy that I have discovered while having a brain storming with designers.
“Make up doesn’t improve your skin but XXXX does”
“Even better than a bottle of water”
“You don’t need worry about limescale on hair”
“Wash your hair which you actually can drink”
“No point using hair conditioner if your hair ware already damaged by water”
Find out ultimate skin care product XXXX at
Salon International 2006
ExCel London
Time: 9:00 -17:00
Date: Saturday 14 – Monday 16 October 2006
2) XXXX product AD
Target: Female consumers age 24-44 whom would spend 100 pound p/y for skin care product.
Format: A4
Project deadline: 8 September
Project objective: Sing copy line and short description on front.
This AD campaign will be place on HJ (Hairdressers Journal Salon) magazine.
Rescue you skin/hair
Picture: Skin looks very dry as if it is look like dried grass. Firefighter try to rescue you dried skin.
Picture: water vain on human skin.
As blood supplies minerals and oxygen to our body cell, filtered water gives energy and good minerals to our skin.
This will give the idea that filtered water is essential thing for your skin.
How much do you spend or take care of your body?
Picture: a Person and arrows points part of body
e.g.: mouth: Organic food £00.00
Clothes: Eco Friendly £00.00
Skin: XXXX £ 42.95
However I would inform you once we have been generated more ideas for XXXX product AD.
Best regards,
Posted by
11:57 AM
Monday, September 04, 2006
Hitler Plays Aragorn

The novel works brilliantly as an exercise in sending up Hitler’s obsessive, repetitive nature (the same histrionic phrases like ‘smashed it to flinders’ are repeated endlessly in the text), the allure and warped morality of fascism (the fictional hero Feric, with a fetish for black leather and phallic metal truncheons, rises to power like the real-world Hitler, but is a tall, strapping Aryan Übermensch) and the conventions of sci-fi and fantasy novels (lone hero, destined to become king, subhuman hordes of enemies).
However, as a novel it becomes increasingly hard to endure. The stylistic satire – repetition and ridiculously over the top prose – becomes unbearable. Perhaps this is a bit like spending an evening with Hitler, who was prone to rant on about the same things over and over as his cronies sucked up to him.
As I love bizarre things like this, so I probably will persist with it. However, I’m guessing it wasn’t end with a debilitated, deranged Feric trapped in a bunker as the ‘hordes of Zim’ advance through his ruined nation…
Posted by
5:43 PM
The Demon Scriptwriter
- We’ll have a heated debate about politics where we end up shouting and Emily sits there quietly, trying to stay out of it
- My mum will lament how little she sees her grandchildren and I’ll nag her to move back to London so she can see them whenever she likes. This will infuriate her and an awkward, polite phase will follow
Posted by
10:19 AM
Friday, September 01, 2006
Night Fears
This didn’t particularly hit me until I was disturbed at 4am by a fly crawling on my hand. Ironically, it was the dying, drowsy fly that I thought I had killed before I went to sleep. When I had swatted it from the wall with a magazine it must have fallen onto the bed. Still half-asleep I brushed it from my hand.
Then I dreamt that Amazon actually worked by employing flies with their wings pulled off to sort information in a shoebox.
I think I heard the buzzing of the fly and awoke to find it crawling on my duvet. I flicked it onto the floor and tried to crush it with a book. Although horribly injured, the bloody thing just wouldn’t die. It just kept righting itself and crawling feebly. This obviously put me in mind of Eugene hanging in his garage, the life taking forever to rattle from him. Then my thoughts turned to his son and my sons, night fears seizing me.
I suppose good drama provokes an emotional reaction. Or was it the parmesan I had on my pasta?

Posted by
4:22 PM
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Bada Bing! The Sopranos is back!

Some of my friends have already downloaded the entire series in pirate fashion from the web. Being a reformed delinquent shoplifter, I can hardly morally disapprove, but I’m quite glad I didn’t do the same thing. It’s a pleasure to have an event to look forward to, even if it is just a telly programme.
So to mark this momentous TV landmark with all due respect, we’re having some friends over for a Sopranos themed evening. It’s gonna be cold cuts, cannoli and cold Prosecco all the way. But no eggs – we know what happens in the Sopranos when someone cooks eggs.
Posted by
2:54 PM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Consumerism: Good or Evil?
What do other middle class people think?
The general consensus among the Guardian-reading classes is that it is very bad. The interesting thing is that the Telegraph-reading classes agree.
Of course, their objections are different. The leftish middle classes deride consumerism because they see it as the crass crescendo of modern capitalism, feeding unreasonable materialistic desires that bury the poor in more debt. The rightwing middle classes see it as the garish apotheosis of outré Chav culture, leading the lower classes into crime and getting above their station.
Cameron noise
The noises David Cameron is making probably prove that both left and right worry that rampant consumerism is bad for the environment, as the Earth’s resources are stripped to make a squillion Coke cans a minute, or whatever the latest mind-bending figures are.
By George!
Meanwhile, the lower classes are enjoying the fact that George of ASDA can kit their kids out in a year’s worth of school uniforms for £3.50. They’re not bothered about the third world sweatshop labour that enables prices to get so low.
Fucking hypocrites
And, as they disapprove of consumerism, lefties are off buying eco-friendly furniture carved by Fairtrade indigenous tribes from sustainable wood in Belize. Tories are eyeing up the latest Aga oven.
And EVERYONE is off down IKEA on a Sunday.
What do I think?
I know I’m a fucking hypocrite too. I love shopping, I like the new things that I can buy. I work as a copywriter, finding new ways to sell shit to people. At the same time, I know that capitalism is a bonkers system with which to manage the world’s resources. We are fucking over the planet in order to own more…things.
I also think that the need for material things should be balanced by a yearning for spirituality.
I feel guilty when I shop, because I know that it’s wasteful and pointless. I get pleasure from the things I buy, although it’s often short-lived. But, hang about - what about all the books and music I’ve bought over the years? Some of that will always stay with me and inspire me.
In short, I feel conflicted.
Crusty Heaven
If I’m honest with myself, would I live in yurt in a Welsh valley, do away with my LCD TV, PSP, DS and Powerbook, live off the land, wear hemp? Would I still be allowed to buy books and new music – isn’t that consumerism too? In order to buy my books and music would I sign on for benefits, living off the system I’ve supposedly rejected?
We’re all doomed
I also recognise that there won’t be an international revolution that will bring down capitalism. The system is just too monolithic to dent with protests or even terrorism. Capitalism won’t be pushed and the only way it will fall is when it’s fucked everything over and we’re all living in the ruins of our shopping centres, fighting giant super-intelligent rats for tinned food.
Bugger me, there are no easy solutions are there?
Posted by
6:08 PM
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The fitzness blog
If you want to see whether I'm progressing from Carr to Corrr! visit the new blog!
Posted by
5:53 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I Look Like...who?!

Oh dear. I’m rather depressed today. The reason? I’ve had two women on separate occasions say that I remind them of camp comic Alan Carr. I’m alarmed for four reasons:
- He’s as camp as a Millets warehouse
- He’s got a face that only his mother could love. And even then he was probably spoonfed with a catapult
- He’s got a tortured estuary English accent – and I thought I’d shrugged off my Medway roots
- He’s – er - rather ‘stocky’
This is possibly even more depressing than a run of being compared with Van Den Puup, the fictional design ponce in IKEA adverts a few years ago. I could at least put that down to my shortlived penchant for flat caps and glasses. Jesus, even Emily got in on the act with that one – using Van Den Puup’s photo when my number came up on her mobile.
The other comparison I get fairly frequently is Jack Black. This happened again last night. It’s usually accompanied by an explanation that it’s not because I share his body-shape – it’s because I’m funny like him. Now I think Jack Black is a charismatic and talented man – but I think I have enough self-knowledge to realise that the comparison is due to the fact we’re both –er – rather ‘stocky’.
Well, my self-esteem can take no more – I’ve resolved to lose weight. Indeed I’m off to the gym! I’ll chart my progress with excruciating honesty on this blog – beginning with a weigh-in and induction tomorrow.
Posted by
6:14 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006
Quote of the Day
Norman Spinrad, Bug Jack Barron (1969)
By the way
I recently discovered that Spinrad wrote this fucking bizarre book called 'The Iron Dream'. It is purportedly a hack sci-fi novel by Adolf hitler, who becomes a pulp writer in the States instead of dictator of Germany. I've just received the book from eBay - along with a sword.
Of course, what I didn't think about is: how the fuck do I get the sword home? I can't take it on the tube, if there's a police bag-search at Leytonstone, I'll probably be shot. And the package is too long to transport on my scooter. Maybe I should keep it at work for client meetings?

Posted by
3:51 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Big O
As a kid in the 70s, there was always a poster shop that would sell you a massive poster visualising some kind of twisted, fantasy subject in air-brushed detail. Even in a backwater like Royal Leamington Spa. I seem to remember the biggest artists were Roger Dean (who did all those Yes album covers) and the slightly more deranged Rodney Matthews.
I’ll always remember that I had two Rodney Matthews posters on the walls of my bedroom. There was a massive one called ‘Corum Escapes’, which, unbeknownst to me, featured a Michael Moorcock character. He was an armoured warrior with an eye-patch and pointy helmet (steady missus), standing at a door, bludgeoning some weird bird-men.
The other poster was entitled ‘Another time, another place’ and featured some minstrels in a bizarre alien forest. Again, I didn’t realise at the time that the blokes were the Rolling Stones, I just liked the picture. It stirred my imagination, enabled me to float away from the mundane realities of life.
Anyway – the reason for my burst of nostalgia is that I was idling looking for Rodney Matthews on Google and found the Rolling Stones poster for sale on his site. It was even an original Big O edition from 1978. Now, the price of satisfying my yearning for the past was £50, which is possibly not good value for money, and I know that Emily going to HATE it. But – but – there’s something so satisfying about having a piece of my childhood on the wall. Just get me started on the framing costs…
By the way…
I ended up finding Michael Moorcock books after picking up ‘The Mad God’s Amulet’ in the library. For a ten year old boy, the novel was a real trip. It was packed with wild, surreal possibilities; full of imagination, energy and pace. The same spirit had obviously appealed to me in the poster. Once I connected the two, I liked the picture all the more, of course. Even more than my giant Darth Vader poster, in fact. And, as far as I was concerned, Darth Vader was the coolest thing ever.
Posted by
4:47 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
One Month Old Today
It's been a pleasure to look after Stan on his one month birthday. He's certainly changed a lot in a month - far more aware and active! Still got terribly grumbly guts though, poor lad!

Posted by
7:39 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
Regime Change in the Kingdom of Stan
As I pick my way past random piles of clothes, bowls, newspapers, remote controls and baby paraphernalia, I try to remember what it was like to walk through the living room without the risk of injury. I think it’s my fault – as the semi-independent creature in the kingdom of Stan, I have the freedom to clean. Whereas, as primary food production unit, his mother is physically enslaved by the tyrant baby. We’re beginning to wonder whether feeding on demand and picking Stan up as soon as he utters a squawk is producing this tyranny. However, the advice of child experts such as Gina Ford (basically, leave babies to cry so they know who’s boss) seems too harsh.
I have a feeling that we’ll be warming to the hardline parenting doctrine before long though. Hopefully this will lead to peaceful regime change, but I bloody doubt it.
Posted by
11:47 AM
Friday, August 11, 2006
Is it normal?
I’m back at work now, trying to balance sleep deprivation with thinking. It isn’t easy. However, I think I’ve got it easier than Emily, who’s now at home on her own with Stan. I generally receive a number of phone calls as the day progresses beginning with the words “Is it normal?”
Here are some examples:
It is normal for him to…
- Go cross-eyed when he poos?
- Sleep for more than two hours?
- Sleep so little?
- Make a funny wheezing noise when he breathes?
- Wee so often?
- Poo so often?
- Vomit so often?
- Have a flaky scalp?
- Have those little spots?
- Cry so much?
- Have that funny look on his face?
- Go so red?
Now, don’t get the idea that I’m the definitive authority that Emily trusts to answer these questions. My reply (which can generally be summarised as “Yes, it’s fine”) is then verified by Emily’s mum, my mum, her dad, her friends who are also mothers, Dr. Miriam Stoppard, Google and most probably the World Health Organisation. Once all these sources agree that it is indeed normal, she can get on with inventing a new “it is normal?” query.
Posted by
3:22 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Jarvis Cocker's Running the World
By the way, who is Red Car Man (see various comments)? I never trust anyone who refers to themselves in the third person - is he a paedophile?
Posted by
5:10 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The Joys of Consumerism: Part 1
That's a result for capitalism then, although I suppose it would be FAR more satisfying to weave him some shoes from hemp or something...

Posted by
9:46 AM
Monday, July 31, 2006
My Paternity Achievements
He's spent a couple of weekends with his brother and sister now. Mila and Frankie have been lovely with Stan, wanting to hug and play with him. He's considered even more interesting than playing Sonic or looking at pokemon cards on the Internet - which is quite a compliment, believe me!
Of course, all my good intentions about redecorating or doing amazing things in the garden while on paternity have gone by the wayside. I have, however, watched the 'Band of Brothers' boxed set (which, despite ponderous American sincerity and sentimentality, was gripping drama), played lots of Mario on the Nintendo DS Lite and completed the Guardian concise crossword every day. Considerable achievements I'm sure you'll agree.
Posted by
12:41 PM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Mummy Police
On the subject of the midwife - it's like having the Witchfinder General round for a cup of tea. She turns up unannounced to catch you unawares. Everything is scrutinised and subjected to the findings of the 'latest research'. Is that a decaff coffee? No? Well, 'mummies' who are breastfeeding shouldn't drink caffeine! What? You'd like a glass of wine? Water it down, you're allowed one a week! Burn her! Burn the unclean mummy!
Posted by
7:03 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Overheard in ASDA
"An' I told 'im - Germaloids won't clear up them scabs!"
Posted by
1:32 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Baby in Vegas Heist
(Yeah, I know that I wouldn't get very far, puttering along at 45 mph.)
We did, however, go for a stroll yesterday evening and took him out in his pram for the first time. I know I'm soppy, but you have to admit this is a very cute picture...

Posted by
11:12 AM
Monday, July 17, 2006
Stan: Day Two
Apart from Stan wanting a feed every couple of hours, he's continued to be a very peaceful child. We're learning to tell the difference between the 'I want a feed' and 'I've got wind' wakefulness. He doesn't really cry, just gets a bit agitated. All the rest of the time he just sleeps!
Soundtrack of the day: cheesy easy listening and synth-disco courtesy of Joey Negro's 'The Trip' mix.
Posted by
6:56 PM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Stan: Day One
There are two words to describe Stan so far: chilled out. He's unbelievably placid. It may just be because he's knackered after the birth experience. God knows, his mum and I certainly are.

Em's stuck in hospital until tomorrow morning because Stan had pooed in his birth sac and may have swallowed some of it. This often happens with late babies apparently. This poo has a great scientific name to make it sound less like poo: 'Meconium'. This is the first plop a baby does, made up of materials ingested during the time he spends in the uterus: intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, aminotic fluid, bile and water. Yum!
I spent the day on the ward and helped Emily to look after our little bruiser. My memories of Stan are all sensual - the smell of him, the incredible softness of his hair, the weight of him in my arms. I remember all these things with Mila and Frankie, they're memories that don't fade with time.
Em, Stan and I had plenty of visitors today - my mum, Em's mum and dad, our friends Matt and Jen. Our visitors didn't get much attention from Stan - he slept instead of holding court!
Posted by
9:02 PM
Stan has arrived!
As you'll see Stan takes after his mum - another redhead in the family!

Posted by
12:16 AM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
No Sleep at Whipps Cross
Neither of us have slept for over 24 hours, but Emily's finally been given effective pain relief for her contractions (in the form of an epidural) and she's getting some kip. I've headed home to grab a shower and fresh clothes. I haven't seen anything outside hospital grounds since yesterday afternoon. All battered blue paint and robust, old grubby used-to-be-white equipment.
Em's been looked after by some wonderful women - a warm, caring Ghanian midwife, a chatty, ultra-professional anaesthetist from Paisley. Whatever the shortcomings of the NHS, it's impossible to fault the staff at times like this.
Right, I'm off to grab a shower...
Posted by
1:34 PM
Friday, July 14, 2006
Waiting on the ward
Irregular contractions began night, but it seems that Stan's still not keen on going anywhere. I'm beginning to suspect that he's not going to come out until he's in his late forties. I suppose that would save on nappies and childcare.
I'll keep updating the blog as things progress, not that there's much to report so far. Come on, Stan - we want to meet you!

Posted by
3:40 PM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The Birthing Dance
Mind you, on the subject of new age birthing nonsense, my colleague Sean sent me a beautiful, inspiring birthing dance poem that he found on the web. Now that reflexology has failed us, maybe the mysterious powers of middle-eastern belly dancing could help Stan on his way?

Posted by
10:06 AM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Desperate Measures
In an attempt to get things moving, I've arranged for a reflexologist to come over tonight - apparently reflexology can induce labour. I know it's probably similar to using crystals or something, but it's worth a punt for £45. Let's see what happens...
Posted by
10:43 AM
Monday, July 10, 2006
Come Out Stan!
The pregnancy saga will be over this week. Stanley (as he’s currently called) is being turfed out on Thursday. Well, I say Thursday – the ‘induction’ starts that night, but the process could take days. Our ideals of a natural home birth have gone by the wayside. Emily just wants the pregnancy over and I can’t say I blame her.
Meanwhile my firstborn son, Frankie, has told me that his friend Henry wants to marry him. He’s considering the offer, but wants to be a father, so may have to decline. As we’re a liberal family, no one’s objecting to Henry’s overtures. I did explain to Frankie that if two men marry, they can adopt a baby, but he wants offspring that are genetically his. I didn’t go into the whole turkey-baster/willing female friend thing – that’s a conversation we’ll save for later in young Francis’s journey through life.
Posted by
10:34 AM
Friday, July 07, 2006
Crushing Blow to Minder Hopes
I warn you - it's possible that Dennis, already depressed by the low ratings for 'New Tricks' may visit this blog. The sense of rejection could tip him over the edge into a psychotic rage. When he's massacred everyone in the Vauxhall dealership in Leyton and blown his own brains out, you'll be responsible! Yes, you!
Posted by
5:10 PM
Get Minder onto iTunes!

I was shocked and appalled by the song’s exclusion, considering that it was a Top 10 hit in 1980 and I keep getting an album by Johnnie Morris (of Animal Magic fame) thrown at me every time I search for Tortoise.
Now, as Dennis sings in his rock opus, ‘I’ve got a good idea’ and it’s to start a campaign to get Dennis onto iTunes. Maybe if my massive audience of 10 visitors on this blog can add their voice, Apple will give the British public what they want!
Add your comment below to support Dennis!
Posted by
10:47 AM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Codpiece Memories

I’d usually argue in defence of the sartorial kinks of the bands on TOTP, feeling a teenage tribal loyalty to whatever the 80s produced. For instance, I remember defending Annie Lennox vigorously when my mum said she looked like a lesbian. As a fully paid-up member of the politically correct leftie club, I’m sure she didn’t mean anything offensive by it, but that wasn’t the point. She was massively uncool and didn’t get what was going on in MY era. The irony is, of course, that my mum was younger than I am now when we had those arguments and I don’t consider myself to be past it and out of touch. But then I’m sure my 8 year old daughter would disagree – I already have her rolling her eyes at me when I don’t pick up on some nuance in the world of Pokemon.
Posted by
2:52 PM