(Until high oil prices mean that the plastics and transportation involved mean that electronics become more expensive too, of course, but let's not venture there...)
The whole need to buy new stuff to replace old stuff that’s actually OK is definitely the latest manifestation of capitalism’s need to keep the economy continually expanding. My mum’s old telly lasted for 20 years, whereas I bought a new one after 3. Not because the old one broke down, but because the old one just wasn’t hot enough dammit!
Anyway, the old one is up on eBay now. I paid £700 for it – I reckon I’ll be lucky to get £200 back…
Ebay is evil. Television is evil. Having been without one for much of the week I have to say I feel pure and purged.
But I'm sure I can find a DVD or two that will change all that.
You're quite right, Steve - although all this 'purging' suggested you've been off at a spa being colonically irrigated...
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