Friday, December 07, 2007

This site has rescued me from terminal grumpiness today. This is the funniest thing I've read for ages. It's a great idea - pulling stupid, Daily Mail reader comments from message boards and taking the piss out of them:

The best turn of phrase so far:

I’d like to weigh in with my important opinion on this important debate, but I’m afraid I’m busy having an important argument. We’re trying to decide whether it’s better to have an evil fireman force cat shit up your nose with a jetwash, or have dog shit slowly massaged into your gums by a stinky dentist.


Steve said...

This from the site: "Trust me, fanny is ALL that 16 year old boys think about. The only thing that could stop them from “going after” your daughter is the prospect that they might not be able to find it."

Such incisive wisdom! Ouch!

Anonymous said...

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